Learn the Thai Alphabet and Numbers Effortlessly with:

"60 Minutes to Learn the Thai Alphabet"

Results 100% Guaranteed

  • Quickly learn the entire Thai Alphabet and Number system
  • This was the Original book on the market, to provide a quick, simple and effective system for learning the thai symbols.
  • Use a tried and trusted system, that thousands of other readers have used over the past 6 years
  • Learn the alphabet, without being stymied by useless details

The book contains over 70 simple pictures, that enable you to instantly recognise the shape and sound of each thai symbol.

If you are able to memorise the following, you can memorise the thai alphabet:




(a detailed sample of the book is found further down this page)

Thousands of copies have sold since its launch in 2005
And the book has received very positive reviews on many leading sites including:

ThaiVisa.com, ZDNet.com, WomenLearnThai.com and Entrepreneur.com etc

(testimonials are listed below)

The Book can be downloaded Instantly:



What you'll receive:

  • fully updated version of the book, in a digital flip book style
  • pdf version of the book
  • mobipocket version of the book, for your pocket pc and smartphone!

Works on Mac, PC, Ipad, Iphone and Windows Mobile

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ClickBank will, at its option, replace or repair any defective product within 60 days from the date of purchase. After 60 days all sales are final. ClickBank does reserve the right to alter or revise its return policy at any time.



"After only an hour of reading, the Thai alphabet will begin to make sense - you'll be able to identify the shape, sounds and class of the entire Thai alphabet. The memory system relies on simple images, that enable you to instantly visualize and remember the Thai symbols. Even the youngest of readers will be able to use the system, and have a good grasp of the alphabet in as little as 1 hour."


"If you are a total beginner and struggling,(this is)... one easy way to get an introduction...not expensive"


"And if you’ve started to panic at the thought of learning 44 Thai consonants (along with their initial and final sounds), 32 different vowel configurations, numbers, and all those extra symbols, then head over to the previously mentioned digital flipbook"

Sample from the book:


The memory Technique

The memory technique which we'll use to learn the alphabet, is best illustrated with an example.

Take a look at the thai letter below on the left, and notice how it resembles the image to the right:




The similarity is high-lighted, by the dashed red-line in the image.

The picture resembles a Chariot, driving through a High Mountainous Terrain.

This image encodes all the information that you need to recall, when looking at this Thai letter.

1. Its sound is Ch (like the initial sound in the word "chariot"), when at the start of a syllable
2. Its class is High, symbolised by the high mountainous terrain in the background

Memorizing the Classes

To help you memorise the classes, we represent the three different classes, with different backgrounds:

1. High class consonants have a mountainous background
2. Middle class consonants have an urban background
3. Low class consoants have a sea level, sea-side background - simple and logical!

How it works in Practice:

1. You look at the Thai letter and automatically think of the image.
2. The easy-to-remember title will spring to mind and tell you the sounds.
2. The image's background will tell you the class (low, middle, high)
Easy and remarkably effective!

About Memorisation:

The key to memorisation is to get a foot-hold on what you are trying to remember. The thai alphabet is something you've never seen before, and is pretty alien, so the best way to get your head around it, is to find things that it resembles, and create connections with what you know.

This book has done that already for you, so you have an automatic connection for every letter, shaving months off the learning process.

Concentrating on the letters

Concentrate on how the letter resembles the image, and how the image's title encodes the sounds of the thai letter.

Visualise the situation in your mind until you clearly see the resemblances. Remember that the background will encode the consonant's class.

There are some explanatory notes to the right of each image, which should only be necessary the first time you look at the image.

So the next time you see the Thai character, just think of the image that the letter resembles. The title and background will spring to mind without effort. Then you'll automatically know the letter's sounds, and class!

How to approach the learning process

Visualise each image in your mind, and then move on to the next one - don't sweat or worry about it.

Don't overly tax yourself, instead just spend 20 to 30 minutes looking at some images, and then take a break for around 10 mintues. Come back and cover up the images, and try to remember the image, title and background, from looking at the thai letter.

Don't worry about not memorising it perfectly first time off - just get an idea of things.


Move on, and try some new images, or take a break until the next day.The key to remembering though, is to repeat your exposure to the images often, until you remember them.

An example of a revision schedule would be something like this:
Practice and revise the images 10 minutes after the first exposure.
And then, 1 day after the first session, a couple of days after, a week after, a month after etc.

The images are like a scaffolding that will help you to build your memory of the letters, and will fall away after, as your mind automatically recognises the sounds and class of the letters.






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