Featured on:

Entrepreneur.com, Download.com,
ZDnet.com, WomenLearnThai.com and many more!!

“After only an hour of reading, the Thai alphabet will
begin to make sense – you’ll be able to identify the shape,
sounds and class of the entire Thai alphabet. The memory system
relies on simple images, that enable you to instantly visualize
and remember the Thai symbols. Even the youngest of readers
will be able to use the system, and have a good grasp of the
alphabet in as little as 1 hour.”


“And if you’ve started to panic at the thought
of learning 44 Thai consonants (along with their initial and
final sounds), 32 different vowel configurations, numbers,
and all those extra symbols, then head over to the previously
mentioned digital flipbook, 60 Minutes to Learn the Thai Alphabet.”


Review on 27 May 2006:
“I’m interested in Muay Thai, and wanted to learn the
Muay Thai Symbols, and the Thai alphabet in general.
I’d tried before, but it seemed impossible. Then a friend
recommended this fantastic book for learning the thai

Within a few hours, I could recognise every
thai symbol, and knew the different sounds and classes
of all the thai letters! This book is definitely a must-read,
if you intend spending any time in Thailand, or if you’re
interested in any aspects of Thai culture.”


“Thai in a hurry! While you’re in the mood check out this book: 60 Minutes to Learn the Thai Alphabet.

I bought it a long time ago and found it a good learning aid.”

Location: Australia





